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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Exploring the role of Feedback source and timing on the involvement of participants in crowdsourcing activities and platforms

Published: May 27, 2020


chaima siala, University of Paris Est Creteil; Amine Abdelmajid, University of Paris Est Creteil; Kaouther Saied Ben Rached, University Of Tunis El Manar


Crowdsourcing contest ; Feedback; New product developement


Integrating internet users as part of a crowdsourcing contest, is a process often mobilized by companies to benefit from the creative ability of the crowd to generate original ideas. Crowdsourcing has been the subject of several marketing studies. This research focuses on understanding the role of platforms feedback as well as members of the community, on the commitment towards the platform and the participation. We explore the role of feedback in two different phases of a crowdsourcing contest (1) during the competition (2) after the announcement of the results. A qualitative exploratory study of 12 participants in a crowdsourcing competition shows that: (1) the lack of task-learning feedback from the platforms on the participants' submissions during the competition acts as an inhibitor of the possibilities for improving ideas, (2) the lack of feedback on the selection criteria for the winning ideas causes frustration among the participants (3) in case of loss of contributors, the lack of feedback from the platform after the the announcement of the results is a vector of defection of the participants.